Presented to
George W.J. Coles
by E.O. Haven
Embracing both the Northern and Southern Portions of the New World
Illustrated with More than Three Hundred Engravings
“Goodrich’s Pictorial History of America.
—This work, for which we understand there are a large number of subsribers in this and adjoining counties, has arrived sooner than was anticipated, in consequence of the early opening of navigation, and will be delivered by the Agents, immediately. The work is all the prospectus promised, and every family would do well to procure a copy.”
– Glasgow Weekly Times, Glasgow, Missouri, 10 Apr 1851
“New Books!!
SAMPLE COPIES of the following valuable late Publications may be seen at Gordy’s Hotel, Franklin:
By S.G. Goodrich. Superbly and substantially bound …. This history is brought down to a very late date, including the war with Mexico, Mr. Fillmore’s administration, and an appendix of the aborigines of America, and is accompanied with maps and charts.”
– The Planter’s Banner, Franklin, Louisiana, 1 Sep 1853
“Pictorial History of America, by Goodrich. This Book contains 900 large royal octavo pages and illustrated with near 300 Engravings, consisting of Settlements, Indian Antiquities, manners and customs, Battle scenes, Public Buildings, including a large number of spirited Portraits of the Presidents, most eminent Statesmen and military heroes. A beautiful Map of Mexico, Texas, Old and New California, and Yucatan.”
– The Charlotte Democrat, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28 Jul 1854
- Title Page
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