Beauties and Wonders of Land and Sea
Beauties and Wonders of Land and Sea
Beauties and Wonders of Land and Sea
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Beauties and Wonders of Land and Sea.

A Book on Natural History.

Edited by
Hazlitt Alva Cuppy, PhD.

One Thousand Illustrations.

Copyright, 1895, by
Mast, Croswell & Kirkpatrick.

Springfield, Ohio:
Mast, Crosswell & Kirkpatrick.


Beauties and Wonders
of Land and Sea.

A Marvelous New Book

Containing Over

1,000 Illustrations

Which Picture True to Life The

Monsters of the Ocean,
Monarchs of the Air,
Marvels of the Land.

Habits of the Feathered Tribe,
Curiosities of the Finny Tribe,
Mysteries of Creeping Things.

Horned Screamers and Tailor-birds,
Birds with Four Hundred Tongues,
Serpent-eaters and Scissor-bills.

Insect Undertakers,
Insect Carpenters,
Insects worn as Jewels.

Marvelous Wonders, Amazing Phenomena, Freaks of Nature.

A Vast Storehouse of Rarest Knowledge.

Its pages teem with astonishing facts. Its information is so exhaustive that the same amount of knowledge could not be otherwise gathered together outside of a large library. This is not the work of one day or one man, but of many men for many years. The four corners of the earth have been ransacked in the endeavor to find an explanation for the strange phenomena that are here depicted.

Fascinating As Any Novel.

This is not a mere collection of uninteresting facts, but they have been woven into interesting and absorbing narratives which instruct at the same time they entertain and amuse. Read of

Ants that Keep Milk Cows,
Ants that Own Slaves,
Ants that Raise Grain,

Death’s-head Moths,
Insect Rakes and Saws,

All records have been broken in the publication of this volume. In pictures, reading matter and size nothing has ever been offered that would begin to equal it.

Its beautiful cover, lithographed in colors, and its hundreds of instructive and entertaining pages, make it indeed a “thing of beauty and a joy forever.”

There is No Similar Book in Existence

Containing one half the number of illustrations or descriptive pages, which sells for less than five dollars.
However, until further notice, we will offer this magnificent volume
Price 50ยข
(Same price by mail.)
Address Catholic Union and Times
Buffalo, N.Y.

– Catholic Union and Times, Buffalo, NY, 2 Jan 1896