Excerpted from The Curse of Drink, 1910. All? Why, no, there’s a great deal more: There’s an arm that’s weak and a head that’s sore; There’s a home that’s filled with grief and woe, And a wife that’s felled with a savage blow All? Why, no, there’s a job that’s lost, There’s an empty purse that can meet no cost; There’s a watch to pawn and a chair to sell; There’s money to borrow and a thirst to quell;Alcohol T-Shirt: Chained to the Drink Habit | Edwardian Prohibtion, Booze, Drinking, Addiction Unisex Shirt, Bartender GiftGeorgian Era Bottle Imp Raising Glass Vintage Vector Clip Art | Antique Devil, Demon, Alcohol, Booze, Gin | Instant Download SVG PNG JPGToasting Tank: Fast Life & Dissipation Unisex Tank Top | 1920s Drinking Design, Celebration, Alcohol, Toast, Flapper, Bartender GiftVintage Toasting Border | Antique Edwardian Cheers, Raising a Toast, Drinking Alcohol | Beer Whiskey Cocktail Shot Vector Color SVG PNG JPGJazz Age Flapper Raising Drinking Glass in Toast | Vintage 1920s Woman Toasting, Celebration Vector Clip Art Instant Download | SVG PNG JPG There’s an empty glass and a fight or two, And a fine to pay for an eye that’s blue. All? Why, no, there’s a demon’s curse; There’s a child to kick and a wound to nurse; There’s a home to break and a wife to scrub — And the song of her life is rub, rub, rub; There’s a free lunch served in a sample room, And some chores to do with a rag or broom;Vintage Toasting Border | Antique Edwardian Cheers, Raising a Toast, Drinking Alcohol | Beer Whiskey Cocktail Shot Vector Color SVG PNG JPGAlcohol Mug: Strong Drink Victorian Inspired Temperance Mug | Booze, Prohibition, Temperance, Addition, The Curse & the Cure, Bartender GiftJazz Age Flapper Raising Drinking Glass in Toast | Vintage 1920s Woman Toasting, Celebration Vector Clip Art Instant Download | SVG PNG JPGToasting Tank: Fast Life & Dissipation Unisex Tank Top | 1920s Drinking Design, Celebration, Alcohol, Toast, Flapper, Bartender GiftAlcohol T-Shirt: Chained to the Drink Habit | Edwardian Prohibtion, Booze, Drinking, Addiction Unisex Shirt, Bartender Gift There’s the price to beg for a burning drink, And a place to sleep where drunkards sink. All? Why, no, there is half untold: There’s a heart grown sick and limbs grown cold; There’s a manhood gone and a substitute That is half a fiend and half a brute;Installable Font Vintage 1910s Fantasy Initials | Uppercase & Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Punctuation Lettering Handwritten Penwork OTF TTFVintage Toasting Border | Antique Edwardian Cheers, Raising a Toast, Drinking Alcohol | Beer Whiskey Cocktail Shot Vector Color SVG PNG JPGVector Clipart Vintage 1910s Fantasy Initials Alphabet | Uppercase, Lowercase Letters, Numbers, Punctuation Lettering Handwritten SVG PNGDigital Vintage 1910s Halloween Cute Silhouette Animals with Jackolanterns Vector Clipart | Jack-o-Lantern Cat Instant Download SVG PNG JPGAntique Photo DOWNLOAD | Two Clean Cut Young Edwardian Men | suits ties handsome photograph picture digital png jpg There’s a place to rob and a man to kill; There’s a prison cell for a man to fill: There’s a speedy trial, and a verdict read, And a wife that weeps as the doom is said, There’s a curse and a prayer as the gallows fall; And as for your whiskey, why, that’s all.Share:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Posted July 4, 2017 | 1910s, Alcohol, Crime, Death, Domestic Violence, edwardian, Morality, Murder, Prohibition, Temperance, Vice Don't miss a post! Follow me on these networks for regular updates: Books Referenced in this PostThe Curse of Drink(1910)Read More
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