Tom’s First Situation
Tom’s First Situation
Tom’s First Situation

An interesting glimpse at how child labor was presented to children, from Pleasing Pictures and Stories, circa 1881.

Tom’s First Situation

Tom was ten years old when he went to his first place at Mr. Cope’s, the grocer, and though small of his age, he did better than the bigger boy who had preceded him in the situation, and gave satisfaction to his master. The rector of the parish, who knew Tom’s family, and took an interest in them all, called to inquire after Tom, when he had been six weeks at the grocer’s, and Mr. Cope spoke so well of him, that the rector was pleased to hear it, and told Tom that if he went on as he had begun, he would one day be proprietor of a shop himself; and he bade him remember all his parents had taught him, say his prayers night and morning, be steady and honest, always do his duty to his employer, and make good use of all his spare moments. I think he will follow this advice.