“A Splendid Work.
We were shown this week by Mr. W.E. Pickens, the agent, ‘Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms,’ by Thos. E. Hill, a book containing about 500 pages, and one that will be found invaluable to all who purchase. It is beautifully bound in cloth, morocco and Russian leather, and is sold on subscription, only, at the low price of $8.00; $7.00, $6.50 and $6.00. The book is dedicated to the millions who would easily and gracefully express the right thought. Mr. Pickens is canvassing the county for subscribers to the work, and will show you the specimen copies. Examine it and order a copy.”
– Fayetville Weekly Democrat, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 26 Jun 1884
“WANTED. First-class agents to take orders for the 40th edition of ‘Hill’s Manual,’ just out; our agents report an increase of sales every day, as the public want this book, and it can only be procured through our agents. BAIRD & DILLONS, sole agents for ‘Hill’s Manual’, 87 Water st.”
– Boston Herald, Boston, Massachusetts, 22 Apr 1884
“Don’t be swindled by book agents. You can buy Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms at Shearer’s book store for $5.00.”
– The Concordia Times, Concordia, Kansas, 30 May 1884
- Blank check found tucked inside “Hill’s Manual of Social and Business Forms”, 1885.
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