Hell Before Death
Hell Before Death
Hell Before Death
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By Rev. W.S. Harris
Who Has Devoted Many Years in Securing Better Conditions for Humanity.

Author of
“Mr. World and Miss Church Member,” “Sermons by the Devil,” and Other Popular Works.

Illustrated by Paul Krafft of New York

Sold by Subscription Only


T.S. Babbitt has secured the agency for the latest book from the pen of Rev. W.S. Harris, the famous New York preacher and writer. The book is called “Hell Before Death,” and treats of existing social evils in this country and how to overcome them.
– Swanton Courier, Swanton, Vermont, 13 Aug 1908

“Hell Before Death” is the title of a new book that is being introduced. It relates to the struggle between capital and labor and predicts a victory for labor.
– The Atchison Daily Globe, Atchison, KS, 28 Nov 1908

“HELL BEFORE DEATH” BY REV. W.S. Harris, author of “Mr. World,” “Miss Church Member,” and “Sermons by the Devil.” This book is dedicated to the millions of honest toilers, who are praying for liberty, from the industrial bondage into which monopolies and trusts have forced them. The book contains 331 pages, 66 illustrations; cloth binding. Price $1. Half morocco, $1.50. Full morocco, $2. Books forwarded free of charge to any address on receipt of price. Personal checks or P.O. money orders accepted. Order while the supply lasts.
Press notices: – “The book is a wonder within itself.” “It should be in every home.” “Certainly it is a book for the home.”
Send your orders to The Royal Mfgrs. Agency, 1810 L street, Bakersfield, Cal. Agents wanted.
– Bakersfield Morning Echo, Bakersfield, CA, 25 Oct 1908