Elegant Arts for Ladies
Elegant Arts for Ladies
Elegant Arts for Ladies
Published: circa ; ; ;
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Elegant Arts for Ladies:

Bead Work.
Bead and Bugle Work.
Calisthenic Exercises.
Etiquette, Politeness, and Good Breeding.
Feather Flowers.
Flower Painting.
Gilding and Bronzing Plaster Casts.
Illuminated or Vellum Painting.
Imitation Carved Ivory.
Imitation Oil Painting.
Oil Painting.
Ornamental Gilt Leather Work.
Ornamental Leather Work.
Ornamens in Rich Shell-Work.
Painting on Velvet.
Persian Painting, and Painting on Wood.
Pictures in Sand.
Pictures of Birds Made With Their Natural Feathers.
Porcupine Quill Work.
Sea-Weed Pictures.
The Toilette.
Transparent Glass Painting for Windows, Etc.
Waxen Fruit and Flowers.
Weaving or Plaiting Hair Ornaments.

Profusely Illustrated.

Ward and Lock, 158, Fleet Street;
And All Booksellers.


ELEGANT ARTS FOR LADIES. – With this very attractive title a new book has just appeared, which every father should forthwith place in his dauther’s hands. It treats upon every art and accomplishment, and is superbly illustrated throughout, many of its pages containing several beautiful engravings. Altogether, a more useful or elegant book does not exist, price 3s 6d, richly gilt. […] Published by Ward and Lock, 158 Fleet Street, London.
– The Caledonian Mercury, Edinburgh, Scotland, 25 Feb 1856