The Shrinking of Treehorn
The Shrinking of Treehorn
The Shrinking of Treehorn
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Have you ever noticed how very unobservant, unbelieving, or unconcerned most people are? If so, please read The Shrinking of Treehorn by Florence Parry Heide, drawings by Edward Gorey (Holiday House, $3.95). For that’s what young Treehorn found out when he began to shrink and things like dressing and eating, getting on the school bus, and drinking from the school water bubbler became difficult. At first his parents didn’t even notice, then they thought he was pretending, and finally decided he was doing it on purpose, “just to be different.” His teacher said, “We don’t shrink in this class,” and sent him to the principal. How Treehorn found a magical answer to his dilemma and then started turning bright green is an imaginative little whimsy, whose sly humor and macabre touches are perfectly matched in Edward Gorey’s illustrations.
– Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, 7 Nov 1971