Personal Help for Boys
Personal Help for Boys
Personal Help Series, Vol.
Personal Help for Boys
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Vital information for boys at ages of greatest danger to mental, moral and physical wellbeing, with advice, counsel and help essential to safety in their relations with other boys. Also hints on the proper relations with young girls, embracing just what every boy should know and no more.


WAR HISTORY PROFITS ALL year round on sales of the world-famed Personal Help Series. A separate volume for each member of every home. Greatest standard sellers on earth. First reports show over $60.00 per day in subscriptions. Exclusive territory free. $2.00 combination sample 50¢. Terms most liberal, cash or credit. Be first to get control of territory and make fortune this year. Also biggest commission, and patriotic pictures free with sales of Wary History and Roosevelt. Send 10¢ each postage on free samples. Mullikin Company. Marietta, Ohio.

Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 8 Mar 1919