How They Are Worked and How to Foil Them
The Tricks and Methods of All Kinds of Frauds and Swindlers, from the petty Sneak-Thief to the Cleverest Schemes of the Expert Bank Robber, Fully Exposed
Assisted by Eminent Experts
Appropriately Illustrated with Full-Page Half-Tone Engravings Made Expressly for this Book
J.L. Nichols & Co.
Manufacturing Publishers of Popular Subscription Books on the Exclusive Territory Plan
Toronto, Ont. Naperville, Ill. Atlanta, Ga.
“FRAUDS of America. Only book of its kind published. Sells itself. Exclusive territory; liberal terms. Write for particulars. J. Wright & Co., 35 New Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal.”
– Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, WA, 31 May 1903
“‘The Frauds of America: How They Work and How to Foil Them.” – by E.G. Redmond. (Chicago: The Francis Book Company.) The author takes up the various frauds common to every city and community, and their fraudulent and criminal practices, exposes their schemes and dodges, and in this way hopes to educate the public to self-protection. He has had long experience in dealing with criminals, and speaks from practical experience rather than a theory or romance. Each class of thieves and villains have distinct peculiarities, and perfect themselves in their several specialties. It makes up a volume of 400 pages, and will make every reader ashamed of his race. But there are many lessons necessary to know to be drawn from the chapters. The world is just at this time overstocked with villains, and it is well to know them when seen.”
– Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago, IL, 11 Jul 1896
- Panel Thieves and Blackmailers
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