Danger in the Dark
Danger in the Dark
Danger in the Dark
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A Tale of Intrigue and Priestcraft.

By Isaac Kelso.

“Ah, you are there! Thanks, many thanks for having awakened us! But what do you want?”
“In the name of Liberty, give up your children – it is the divine right of the Clergy to instruct them.”
“Be Off, treacherous Jesuit! thou art an assassin – and com’st but to profane the holy name of liberty!”

Tenth Edition.

H.M. Rulison, Queen City Publishing House,
No. 115 1/2 Main Street,


This is the title of a book, the advertisement of which was printed in the True Whig, with a terrible picture. The author of it is described in the annexed paragraphs:
ANOTHER KNOW-NOTHING CLERGYMAN RUNNING AWAY WITH A MAN’S WIFE. – The last Clermont (Ohio) Sun, a journal, by the way, conducted with extraordinary spirit and ability, and which is rapidly revolutionizing political sentiment in the county where it is published, has the following account of the exploit of a know-nothing clergyman in the vicinity. It says:
Another of these Hindoo reverends, the notable author of “Danger in the Dark,” took away a man’s wife, in Brown county, and “travelled for pleasure” with her, till the wronged husband overtook the loving pair. And this man’s book is being peddled by his brother reverends throughout the land, to correct the morals of the young people; and to excite the old folks against Catholicism. A singular way some preachers have of setting holy examples before their flocks, and of educating the young, by placing such vulgar ones as the one alluded to, and Hogan and Marie Monk in their hands.
– Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN, 7 Jun 1855

A Book destined to be read by every American. – Do you say more light, more light, then read danger in the dark. This brilliant work exhibits a vivid and striking picture of Anti Republican Romanism, all in its grim, repulsive features, hideous forms and infernal machinations. It brings to light the infamous plottings, craft and trickery practiced in our midst by the order of Jesuits, – a brotherhood of pious assassins. The vilest and most despicable of our race who seek to stifle the breath of liberty, and subvert the free institutions of our Republic, while they owe alligance to a foreign Despot, and bow to a master in Rome. This work especially repels the audacious assaults upon the common schools of our country.
Young men can do well to sell this book by subscriptions, as they can get them on the best terms at
– Western Reserve Chronicle, Warren, OH, 30 Apr 1856