The Customs of Mankind
The Customs of Mankind
with Notes on Modern Etiquette and Entertainment
The Customs of Mankind
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“Etiquette From the Historical Side

Why a bride’s gown is white instead of pink or green or yellow, why we shower her with rice instead of corn or barley, why we extend the hand in greeting, why the debutante today follows the social customs of her primitive ancestors, why the mother-in-law has never been popular, why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s day; why, in short, we do the things it is customary to do, is the theme of Lillian Eichler’s new book, ‘The Customs of Mankind’ which Nelson Doubleday, Inc. has just issued. The volume traces the origin and development of etiquette from the habits of primitive man to 20th century manners and unearths some queer and curious facts about the reasons for our most familiar and firmly established customs.”
– Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Honolulu, Hawaii, 11 Oct 1924