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Farrar, Straus and Cudahy and Noonday Press have published ‘Character Analysis’ by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. This book is an expansion of a paper Dr. Reich published in 1928, a paper now recognized as having opened a new epoch in psychoanalysis, Reich demonstrated that the bearing and attitude of the patient – his character resistance, or characterological ‘armour’ – was the crucial guide to the whole world of his past. His further study of character led to the comprehension of the biological basis of neurosis. Dr. Reich is most widely known for his theory of orgone cosmic energy, his contribution to the field of natural science. Farrar, Straus and Cudahy plans to publish all of Wilhelm Reich’s writings, most of which have not been available for some years.”
– Trenton Evening Times, Trenton, New Jersey, 11 June 1961