Cincinnati’s photo album of rock. Shawn Abnoxious, Kari Brown, Al Combs, John Curley, Rob Deslongchamps, Melodie Fickenscher, Scott Fredette, David Garza, Laura Jare, Hudson Luce, Maurice Mattei, Nebula Girl, Carin Rhoden, Naomi Rothenberg, Charlotte Slaven, Bill Stuart, Chuck Swanson, Michael Wilson, et al. 88 pgs. Plus the 2 disc iLove compilation with Ass Ponys, Chocolate Horse, Fairmount Girls, Staggering Statistics, The Socials, Coltrane Motion, The 13s, Wolverton Brothers, wil-o-ee, (In) Camera, Hilltop Distillery, Roesing Ape, Culture Queer, Ruby Vileos, Minor Leagues, Len’s Lounge, The Woos, Lovely Crash, Campfire Crush, And How, Tigerlillies, Chalk, Le Technopuss13s, The Haywards.
Some photos by me