Personal Magnetism
Personal Magnetism
Personal Magnetism

Fantastic turn-of-the-century advertisement found in Mind magazine. I’d love to have this book in my collection.

Personal Magnetism is the magic wand that brings success by unlocking to your vision, the greatest secrets of life. It is that marvelous, subtle, unseen power that enables you to control man, to banish sickness, suffering and ill-luck. It is the key to a higher life. It sways the minds of millions and regulates the destinies of nations. All truly great men and women possess Magnetic power and use it. The rich man is rich because he utilizes the invisible forces around him; the poor man is poor because he lacks a true knowledge of himself.

We have just issued the greatest work of the century. It deals with new secrets so plainly that failure is impossible. You can master Personal Magnetism; you can secretly become a practical Hypnotist at your own home.

College presidents have recommended it to their students; business men have publicly indorsed it, and clergymen point with pride to hundreds who have been made better, grander and nobler through its benign influence.
If you want to fathom the mysteries of wealth, power and permanent success, send to-day for this wonderful book. IT’S FREE.

Dept. DR 2, 416-420 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.