Advanced Course in Personal Magnetism
Advanced Course in Personal Magnetism
Advanced Course in Personal Magnetism
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The Secrets of Mental Fascination


When You CAN Lead?

The world is full of ‘trailers,’ living a life of dull, drab, dreary days of plodding along. But how many LEADERS? Are you one? Do people point you out as a shrewd, thinking, successful man? Or are you forgotten in their admiration of the men who DO things?

Be a Brain-Trained Man
—retentive in memory, accurate in thought, swift in judgment, alert and quick to act. Make your brain do you justice; be keen and vigilant, develop your personal appeal to others, COMPEL their attention, win their respect and TOWER above ‘the average.’ Time speeds on, so act intelligently, without missteps or lost motion.
Build Your Strength on These
Three Books Which Come to You
FREE for Examination . . .

‘Practical Memory Training,’ 315 pages; the key-stone book to mental vigor and brain control;
‘Personal Magnetism,’ 238 pages; cleanly explains the secret of stepping out and DOING things;
‘Advanced Course in Personal Magnetism,’ 228 pages; shows how to attain leadership among men; points the way to control yourself and others; the binding link in strengthening your chain of power.
—all three written by the great Theron Q. Dumont, instructor in the art and science of personal magnetism, Paris, France; almost 800 pages, only $3.00. Yours, for FREE inspection now. Simply tear out coupon and note name and address. Your immediate step to LEADERSHIP.
207 Inland Building, Fort Wayne, Indiana

– Case and Comment, Volume 23, Issue 9, February 1917